
VDOT Training Tables & How to Use Them

If you are reading this just to find your VDOT Training paces (easy, marathon, tempo, interval, or repetition), scroll down to the tables. If you want to learn what those terms mean and how to use them for your training, read on!

If you are reading this just to find your VDOT Training paces (easy, marathon, tempo, interval, or repetition), scroll down to the calculator. If you want to learn what those terms mean and how to use them for your training, read on!

Though we often say “erase pace”…there are times that training based on pace is both necessary and good!
If you are reading this just to find your VDOT Training paces (easy, marathon, tempo, interval, or repetition), simply scroll down to the tables. If you want to learn what those terms mean and how to use them effectively for your training, read on!
First, if you have never read Jack Daniel’s Running Formula, we highly recommend it. Jack is the pioneer for many modern coaching philosophies and has a wonderful delivery of his methods.

Effort-Based or Pace-Specific?

Choosing intensity for workouts is part art and part science. While much of the time we can base training effort levels off of Rate of Perceived Effort (read the blog here), there are times where an athlete needs to prepare for racing at a certain pace (s).
Jack Daniels uses race performance as a predictor of fitness levels, as opposed to doing a lab based VO2 max test. There are many factors that contribute to running performance outside of VO2 max, so we believe that VDOT is a good way to predict race performance and appropriately prescribe intensities.
While it may be helpful to understand what a race performance at different distances may be based on another recent race performances, we find the intensity prescription can be helpful for coaches and athletes. We still feel that running based on RPE has more advantages and is an important skill for runners to learn.
As an athlete gets closer to competition and when we are looking to develop race-specific speed, prescribing paces can be helpful. For example, a runner who is 8 weeks out from a marathon may do an alternation workout: 5 sets of alternating 1/2 mile at threshold pace and 1/2 mile at marathon pace. This would help to improve anaerobic threshold and speed endurance.

For Coaches

There is also the advantage that you can prescribe workouts to athletes based off of pace without needing to specify what that pace is for everyone. If a runner knows their VDOT (based off recent race performance) they will be able to identify their Easy, Marathon, Tempo, Interval, and Repeat paces at a variety of distances. When a coach tells a group of XC runners to do 10x 400m at Interval pace, each athlete will be able to know what their time should be based off of their associated VDOTs.

The VDOT Training Paces, Defined

  • Easypace is easy enough that you can hold a conversation and exert relatively low effort. This pace is used for aerobic development. Think Heart Rate Zones 1 & 2 (59-74% of Heart Rate max)
  • Marathonpace is a moderate pace used for steady runs or longer repeats. You should be able to talk, but may be labored. Think Heart Rate Zone 3 (89% Heart Rate max)
  • Threshold pace is meant to improve muscular endurance and anaerobic threshold. It may be challenging to talk. Think Heart Rate Zone 4 (88-92% Heart Rate max)
  • Intervalpace is not all out pace. Intervals are meant to improve VO2 max (or velocity at VO2 max at least) and should be 3-5 min in duration with a set recovery time. Think upper Zone 4 to lower Zone 5 ( 98-100% Heart Rate Max)
  • Repetitionpace is designed to help you feel comfortable at faster paces. This will vary based on the distance that you are training for and is therefore not associated with heart rate max often.

Find Your VDOT Training Paces

So what is your VDOT, and do you train at the proposed intensities for that? Find out using our free calculator. Personally, we tend to use a 2 mile test because it is long enough to test some fitness, but not so long that you need to alter your training for it like you may for a 5k race. Click the picture below or head directly to the calculator
VDOT Calculator
Find your paces!

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